Boy genius recalls life on Mars
After the previous posting, we felt this one was worth sharing again. It’s about a young Russian boy, Boriska Kipriyanovich (L), who began talking about life on Mars in 1998 when he was only two years old.
The following information is from the earliest article we found about him titled “Boriska – The Boy from Mars” which was published in 2004 by Pravda, the premier Russian news service. Since then, his story has been included in the book “Conversations with the Children of Now” by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD, and in a Project Camelot film. – The editor
Boriska was known as “the baby astronomer” because he could name all the planets of the solar systems and even their satellites when he was only two years old. Here are some things he revealed about Mars before the age of eight:
● WHAT DO MARTIANS LOOK LIKE? “Oh, they are very tall, taller than seven meters.”
● IS THERE LIFE ON MARS NOW? “Yes, there is, but the planet lost its atmosphere many years ago as a result of a global catastrophe. But Martian people still live there under the ground. They breathe carbonic gas. . . There still live people like us out there, but after the nuclear war, everything has burnt down. Some of those people managed to survive. They built shelters, new weaponry. There was also a shift of continents there.”
● MARTIAN AIR - “Martians breathe gas. In case they arrived to our planet, they would have been all standing next to pipes and breathing in fumes.”
When asked if he preferred breathing oxygen, he answered, “Once you are in this body, you have to breathe oxygen. However, Martians dislike this air, Earth’s air, because it causes aging. Martians are all relatively young, about 30-35 years old.”
● MARTIAN WARS AND VEHICLES - “The Martians were waging wars all the time so I would often have to participate in air raids with a friend of mine. We could travel in time and space flying in round spaceships, but we would observe life on planet Earth on triangular aircrafts. Martian spaceships are very complicated. They are layered, and they can fly all across the Universe.”
● PRAVDA JOURNALIST’S SUMMARY of Boriska’s visit to Earth when he was a Martian pilot:
“Back then, he used to fly to Earth quite often for trade and other research purposes. It seems that Boriska piloted his spaceship himself. This was during the times of the Lemurian civilizations. He had a Lemurian friend who had been killed right before his own eyes. The boy envisions the entire picture of the fall of Lemuria* as though it happened yesterday. He grieves the death of his best friend as though it was his fault.”
Boriska is quoted as saying, “A major catastrophe took place on Earth. A gigantic continent was consumed by stormy waters. Then suddenly, a massive rock fell on my friend who was there. I could not save him. We are destined to meet some time in this life.” |
UPDATE ON BORISKA – This is the most recent photo we could find of Boriska but we don’t know where or when it was taken. According to rumors, he and his mother moved to a remote Russian village under protection of the Russian government, but there’s no way to confirm this. Today in 2024, he would be 28 years old.
* Lemuria supposedly was a continent that sank into the Pacific Ocean at least 24,000 years ago. |
Mars and Martians a million years ago
The U.S. government has been using “remote viewers” since 1977 when the U.S. Army established a secret psychic spy unit to gather military and domestic intelligence information. It was known as the Stargate Project. Its purpose was to seek information from people who could psychically see events, sites or information from a great distance.
One of the earliest participants in the Stargate Project was Joe McMoneagle (L). At the time, he was a chief warrant officer with the U.S. Army. More importantly, he was chosen because of his innate psychic abilities. |
During his time with Stargate, McMoneagle often was given geographical coordinates and asked to report what he psychically saw or heard or felt at the location he was given. One day, the coordinates took him to a place unlike anything he’d ever seen. Later he learned the coordinates were for Mars and the time was a million years ago.
It’s worth noting that the first coordinates McMoneagle was given were for a location only five miles from the famous Face on Mars (R). |
Snippets of things McMoneagle saw
At first, he saw a gigantic smooth-wall pyramid that was large enough to contain three Giza pyramids. Inside, he said it was like a “rabbit warren” of huge rooms. He also saw a severe dust storm and major geological trauma. Then he was directed to look at the area before the upheaval.
●“I just keep seeing very large people. They appear thin and tall. They’re very large, wearing some kind of strange clothes. They’re human people. They’re like us, identical to us, only they’re much bigger – ten feet tall.”
● Within the pyramid’s many chambers, he saw people in “hibernation of some form. . . They’re an ancient people trying to survive. . . They’re waiting for the return of someone sent to find a new home. . . Evidently, there was a group or a party of them that went to find a new place to live. . . I think Martians are us and we’re the ones that never went back.”
●“I had a sense that their atmosphere was stripped away or destabilized when it passed through the tail of a comet.”
Link to one of several interviews with McMoneagle about Mars:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9UKPfL59x4&t=181s |
Russia’s Antarctic research station in 2000 and 2024
Did Russians build Antarctica station above ET base?
By Mary Joyce, website editor
There are unofficial reports of an extraterrestrial base beneath or near Russia’s Vostok Station in Antarctica. At this time, those reports are impossible to prove, but here are clues that they might be true. |
CLUE ONE – Shortly before his death, Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin told colleagues the real purpose of the Soviets’ first space mission was to observe and collect data from above a place in Antarctica where there were magnetic field irregularities and unexplained heat signatures coming from deep below the ice.
CLUE TWO – Most countries have their Antarctica research stations on or near the coasts, but Russia’s Vostok Station and China’s Kunlun and Taishan stations are all deep within the continent’s interior. |
CLUE THREE – Any kind of life on Earth requires water and there’s plenty beneath Russia’s Vostok Station. In fact, the largest subglacial lake in the world is about 2.5 miles beneath the Russian research facility. |
CLUE FOUR – Linda Moulton Howe, an internationally known investigative journalist, interviewed a U.S. Navy Polar Flight Engineer who flew through a no-fly zone on a medevac flight from McMurdo station to Australia’s Davis Station.
The medevac team ignored orders because the patient was so severely injured. During the flight, the team saw a giant hole in the ice with berm around it. The engineer estimated the hole to be about 300 feet in diameter. As shown on the map, the flight went almost directly over Russia’s Vostok Station.
CLUE FIVE – This is a 2024 Google satellite image of Russia’s Vostok Station. It seems significant that everything west of the station is whited out. |
CLUE SIX - A small diary handwritten by Admiral Richard E. Byrd, a 20th-Century hero, was found after his death. It revealed that on February 19, 1947 the controls of his plane stopped working and he was flown remotely into Earth’s interior where he met the leader of that civilization. |
ETs’ history book about Earth given to humans
By Mary Joyce, website editor
When extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system landed at Holloman AFB in 1964, a “book” was given to the U.S. government officials who greeted them. The gift was their recorded history of Earth and our universe.
Those who have seen the “book” described it as a 2.5-inch crystal rectangular block made of a transparent alien material with a bright yellow border. Because of the border, it’s been dubbed “The Yellow Book.”
ETs gave humans a history book that works like a super-advanced Apple iPad.
Actually, The Yellow Book is not a book. It functions like a super-advanced Apple iPad and is packed with endless information. Yet, it is incredibly easy to use. The viewer simply looks at its transparent surface and historical stories and photos appear. Remarkably, the device responds in the language the viewer is thinking. So far, 80 different languages have been identified.
Those who have viewed The Yellow Book, say it would take a lifetime to read it and another lifetime to understand it. According to Bob Lazar, the device is a carefully guarded treasure at Area 51.
This information is from “THE YELLOW BOOK – The History of Aliens on Earth!” by Gil Carlson who has tapped into many secret government and military sources to learn the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials. To date, he’s written 40 books on the subjects. |
Soviet Cosmonaut: “They were lying to all of you. . .”
By Mary Joyce, website editor
Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human to fly into outer space. When he returned from his 1961 flight, he was greeted as a hero and became the Soviet Union’s best known goodwill ambassador. Seven years later in 1968, he was killed in a jet crash. Perhaps he had an inkling that he didn’t have long to live because shortly before his death, he revealed a secret to a small group of trusted colleagues.
He declared to them: “They were lying to all of you for so long, but I’m exposing everything now. What are they going to do, take my life away? I don’t care.”
Gagarin explained that the real purpose of his space mission wasn’t about space at all. It was to observe and collect data from a location in Antarctica where there were magnetic field irregularities and unexplained heat signatures coming from deep below the ice. So, Gagarin’s spacecraft was equipped with special instruments to capture data from that location.
While Gagarin never fully understood what he was looking for, the secrecy surrounding the mission made it clear there was something unusual happening in Antarctica. Plus, the data gathered during his flight was classified, and he was ordered to never speak of it.
Not long after Gagarin revealed his secret to his colleagues, he was killed in a jet crash. He was only 34 years old. His colleagues speculated that the Soviet government feared Gagarin might go public with his information and they silenced him.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: When I found this information on the Top Master YouTube channel, it rang true, so I wrote this article. After finishing it, I tried to find the original source for the video, but without success. So, it’s impossible to know if this information is true or if an anonymous source is the only way to get the truth to the public.
Normally, I would kill an article without a source. But in this case, many credible sources already have exposed anomalies and unusual activities in Antarctica, so there’s a good chance the information in the video is true and worth considering. Below is the link to the video. The pertinent part begins at the 26-minute mark.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA6kddcnTt8 |
What is being covered up in Antarctica?
The Google Earth satellite image of Antarctica on the left was taken in 2020. The one on the right was taken in 2024 and reveals a large white area that blocks about a third of Antarctica from view.
– The editor |
Antarctica’s melting ice reveals Earth’s oldest city
By Mary A. Joyce
Antarctica has been covered in ice for about 34 million years but that icy covering is melting rapidly and Earth’s oldest ruins are being exposed. Obviously, those ruins were built before the ice formed which means they were constructed by a civilization older than any ancient culture known today.
This is a remarkable find. By comparison, the Great Pyramid was completed less than 5,000 years ago which is only a blink in time compared to 34,000,000 years.
Using Google Earth as an explorer’s tool, my team and I at the Sky Ships Over Cashiers website discovered this ancient metropolis deep within a crack in Antarctica’s ice on September 18, 2021. The yellow pushpin marks the place it was found. The location coordinates are: 76°08’10”S 162°28’39”E
As we zoomed in and more thoroughly explored the crack in the ice, we found the remnants of that ancient metropolis spread out organically just like cities do today. The following satellite photos are evidence of that and clearly reveal walls that cannot be dismissed as creations of Mother Nature.
Within a day of posting these satellite photos on our website in September 2021, Google Earth blurred these ancient ruins from view. We only can wonder why evidence of the world’s oldest civilization is being deliberately hidden from the public.
NOTE: The information in this article is from my book “SPY IN THE SKY.” To learn more about the book or to purchase it, go to “Editor’s Corner” at www.skyshipsovercashiers.com. Then click on “Information about my books” at the top of the page. |
Dinosaur skeleton found in Antarctica
By Mary Joyce, website editor
Don’t tell me there haven’t been world-shifting changes in Earth’s ancient past. The skeleton of a monster-size dinosaur found in Antarctica is definitive proof.
For now, we will call our monster “Elliot.” He weighed at least 1,000 pounds, stood 8.2 feet at the hips, and was more than 20 feet in length. Scientists say he was only a subadult which makes one wonder how big his parents were. |
According to the Geological Society of America, Elliot is the most complete dinosaur skeleton ever found in Antarctica. He was discovered in 188 to 196-million-year-old sediment. At that time, Antarctica was covered in dense jungles and had a tropical climate.
Officially, Elliot is a Cryolophosaurus ellioti which lived during the early Jurassic period in Antarctica. Here is how one artistic scientist imagined Elliot to look with muscles and skin. |
Antarctica’s ancient forest
older than dinosaurs
Fossil remnants of a 280-million-year-old forest were found by Dr. Erik Gulbranson and Dr. John Isbell of the University of Wisconsin and their international team of researchers when they trekked across Antarctica in late 2017. This means the ancient forest of Antarctica existed before the dinosaurs which lived on Earth between 252 and 66 million years ago.
– The editor |
Petrified tree stumps and fossilize leaves from Antarctica
Ancient rock art may depict giant ET
Some of the most impressive ancient rock art in the USA is on the walls of Horseshoe Canyon in Utah’s Canyonlands National Park. One group of painted figures on that wall stands out. It is called “The Holy Ghost Group.” The name most likely was given to it by Christians, but the art was created long before Christianity reached that part of the world.
There are more than 80 human-like figures painted on the canyon’s walls and the “ghost” is the only one with a uniquely detailed head. It also stands head and shoulders above all the other figures. Many people believe the “ghost” is actually an extraterrestrial visitor. Of course, this cannot be proven, but it’s interesting to contemplate. – The editor |
Anthony Scaramucci, Captain Jake W. Stewart, US Navy (Ret.) and George Stephanopoulos
ABC-TV anchor discovered President Carter used psychics
By Mary Joyce, website editor
George Stephanopoulos is best known as an anchor on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America” and as a former senior aide to President Bill Clinton.
In his brand-new book “The Situation Room,” Stephanopoulos reveals that when President Jimmy Carter and his team were in the Situation Room trying to rescue American hostages in Iran, he asked for help from secret government psychics. He shared part of that story on Anthony Scaramucci’s podcast on September 27, 2024.
STEPANOPOULOS: Incredible story. We were doing research and I came across a single line from Jimmy Carter’s presidential diary. It was from May 1980. ‘Had a meeting in the situation room on parapsychology, longitude, latitude, etc.’ It was one line but it obviously piqued my interest. . .
This meeting had never been written about before. We, my team and I, looked through all the published material and couldn’t find anything written about this meeting. But working through the Carter Library, we were able to figure out who might still be alive who would know something about that meeting. . .
I was able to find a man named Jake Stewart who was President Carter’s Naval aide, and we found out that he might have been in that meeting so I emailed him, I called him. He was very reluctant to speak. Finally, after about three emails and several conversations, he finally agreed to do the Zoom. . .
I said, “Tell me about this May 1980 meeting.” And he just sat backed and smiled and laughed and said, “You found out about that, huh?” and proceeded to tell me the most incredible story.
This is May 1980. This is two weeks after the failed rescue mission of the Iran hostages. . . So, desperate times call for desperate measures and he’s willing to consider anything. It turns out that Jake Steward was the expert in the White House about a group of psychics being run by the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency. At the time, they called them remote viewers and these were people who would sit in dark rooms and, theoretically, use ESP to get to the bottom of international crises. It was called Operation Grill Flame. Some people swear that it had some reasonable success.
● Click here to watch the six-minute segment from Anthony Scaramucci’s podcast with George Stephanopoulos on September 27, 2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDWVMjcpAI8
● Click here to read a related article titled “When President Carter used a clairvoyant,” which was posted on the Sky Ships Over Cashiers website last year:
http://www.skyshipsovercashiers.com/articles2023.htm#carterclair |
“Weather warfare is real” stated co-creator of HAARP
By Mary Joyce, website editor
Conspiracies about the weather being manipulated are everywhere since the country was hit by hurricanes Helene and Milton within a two-week period. Plus, Helene did a totally unexpected turn after exiting Florida and went inland causing devastation in Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee and Virginia.
Well back as 2010, I began looking at HAARP frequency maps on the Internet and it became clear that intense weather events soon followed spikes on the HAARP maps. Below is one of those maps from October 26, 2012 - three days before Hurricane Sandy hit the New Jersey shore. It shows HAARP frequencies going off the chart (white area) exactly where the hurricane plowed ashore.
NASA says that HAARP* is a benign research tool for studying the ionosphere which is roughly 50 to 400 miles above Earth and touches the edge of deep space.
That may be true, but I interviewed an elderly man in 2011 who was involved in the creation of HAARP. He said weather warfare is real and explained that HAARP frequencies could be used to destroy an enemy nation with droughts, hurricanes or floods with little or no blood loss. |
Initially, the man was happy to be involved in designing an instrument for bloodless warfare. He felt it was more humane than wars fought with bombs and guns. However, by the time I talked with him, he clearly regretted that he helped create HAARP.
As for the culprits who might be conducting weather warfare, the public has no way of knowing if it is being done by the shadowy side of our own government, by Globalists or by other nations who also have HAARP technology that can be aimed anywhere in the world.
Russia’s HAARP facility, known as the Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility
Based on 2008 information, there are HAARP facilities in ● Russia ● China ● Brazil ● Puerto Rico ● United Kingdom ● Norway ● India ● Japan ● Australia ● United States.
Any of these nations might have the ability to use HAARP to destroy the economies of other nations and bring people to their knees in order to established their own power and control. The most likely international culprits would be Russia and China who have been trying to create divisions and chaos within the United States and influence our elections.
It’s significant that since 2015, daily HAARP frequency maps no longer can be accessed by the public on the Internet.
*HAARP = High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program |
Ancient metalworkers depicted birds and planes differently
By Mary Joyce, website editor
These are some of the ancient winged objects on display at the Gold Museum in Bogota, Columbia, South America. Historians generally believe they were created between 500 BC and 600 AD by the Quimbaya people who once lived in Colombia.
Mainstream archaeologists typically declare that these Quimbaya objects represent birds because they have wings and were created centuries before the Wright brothers made their first flight. But, these “birds” have vertical stabilizers and stiff wings just like airplanes.
This airplane theory is supported by the Quimbaya people themselves because they also created metalworks of Mother Nature’s birds – birds without stiff geometric wings and vertical stabilizers. Samples of real birds sculpted by the Quimbaya are shown below. It appears that those ancient people knew the difference between feathered birds and airplanes.
Why are nine-foot numbers in remote Saharan Desert crater?
By Mary Joyce, website editor |
A genuine puzzlement has been found in the desolate northeastern section of Western Sahara in Africa.
It seemed odd when I first saw large numbers in a remote desert crater on the MrMBB333 YouTube channel, but then I located the crater for myself using Google Earth. The first satellite image below shows how remote and desolate the location truly is. |
Then when I zoomed in for a closer look, numbers appeared in the crater. Each one measures about nine feet in length. Each one looks like it could have been printed on a white board and then placed in the crater.
Since the numbers are those used around the world, they most likely were put there by humans. But why? There are no signs the crater is an archaeological site, a mining site or a practice bombing target. And, there are no apparent tracks into the crater. Any idea why the numbers are there? If so, contact me at: brillobulletins@yahoo.com
You can check out the site by copying these coordinates and pasting them into your Google Earth search bar: 27°00’01”N 10°44’00”W |
Ancient rock wall like those in Peru found in USA
By Mary Joyce, website editor |
Now you don’t need to leave the USA to see a megalithic stonewall that is similar to those found in Peru. One was discovered by a couple hiking their forested land in Montana in 1996. It was well hidden in and beneath an old-growth forest between the towns of Butte and Whitehall.
The owners of the property, Christopher Borton and Linda Welsh, immediately began the hard work of clearing the land around the wall. Then in 2024, they made it accessible to the public but by appointment only.
The ancient rock wall, known as the Sage Mountain Wall, is 24 feet high or the height of four six-foot-tall men stacked on top of each other. The wall’s length also is impressive. At 275 feet, it’s almost the length of a football field. |
According to Chris and Linda, the largest quartz crystal ever found in Montana was discovered in the same area and is now on display at the Mineral Museum at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology in Butte, Montana.
To learn about Sage Mountain Wall tours, copy and paste this link into your Internet search bar: https://sagemountain.org/sage-wall-and-trails/ |
Skinwalker Ranch anomalies explained by internationally known psychic
By Mary Joyce, website editor
Sterling (above) is an internationally known psychic medium who has been providing spiritually-received information for three decades. He’s also served as a consultant to leaders at major entertainment companies including ● DreamWorks ● Amblin Entertainment ● The Walt Disney Company ● MGM ● Lucasfilm ● Pixar ● Sony Pictures ● Warner Brothers ● Amazon Studios ● Dolby ● Universal Music Group ● Marvel Studios ● NBC Universal ● Discovery ● Paramount Global ● Comcast.
On September 8, 2024, Sterling responded to a question about the Skinwalker Ranch that was posted on his YouTube channel.
QUESTION: “I’ve been following the scientific studies taking place on Skinwalker Ranch in Northern Utah. The ranch was previously studied by the U.S. military and now a private scientific group of engineers and astrophysicists. What is under the mountain causing these time-warping anomalies and so much UFO activity surrounding this ranch?”
STERLING’S ANSWER: “There is an extraterrestrial ship buried under the mesa along with a power source, a nuclear power source, that was placed there thousands of years ago, even millions of years ago, because this has something to do with the way the portal is managed.
“There’s a very large portal, one of the largest on Earth, there under Skinwalker Ranch. It’s also an extraterrestrial airport, just like JFK and LAX in Los Angeles. But what’s buried there is an extraterrestrial ship and a nuclear power source that could be one and the same. Or, they might have been brought in about the same time. But that’s what’s going on there. So, it’s an extraterrestrial airport. That’s why there’s so much activity. And that’s what’s buried there.” |
UFO sightings started soaring in 2023
By Mary Joyce, website editor
With only a quick glance at this sampling of charts, it’s instantly clear that UFO/UAP sightings have increased dramatically since 2023. The data was collected by Enigma Labs. According to its website, Enigma Labs is the first real-time UAP/UFO sightings alert network and the largest global, standardized repository of historical sightings, enabling trend analysis and historical context around UAP/UFO sightings. – The editor
Scientists say extraterrestrial code found in human DNA
By Mary Joyce, website editor
“Sooner or later, we have to accept the fact that all life on Earth carries the genetic code of our extraterrestrial cousins and that evolution is not what we think it is.”
Maxim A. Makukov, Human Genome Project researcher
After working on the Human Genome Project for 13 years, Maxim A. Makukov and his associate Vladimir I. Shcherbak presented the idea that the mysterious “Junk DNA” within human DNA is of extraterrestrial origin.
The term “Junk DNA” was coined in the 1970s when biologists could find no apparent function for 98% of human DNA. After extensive analysis and with the help of other researchers in such diverse fields as mathematics, chemistry and programming, the two-man team stated:
“Our hypothesis is that a more advanced extraterrestrial civilization was engaged
in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them.”
The researchers pointed out that human evolution escalated faster than would be expected with normal evolution. They believe the process was jump started by “alien programmers” who added genetic coding to the basic human DNA.
They also pointed out that their scientific findings are reinforced by an increasing number of people claiming to have had contact with aliens that look human. |
Whoopi Goldberg on ABC’s talk show “The View”
Whoopi believes ETs are among us
By Mary Joyce, website editor
Whoopi Goldberg is an actor, comedian, author, television personality and a host on “The View” on ABC. She is one of only 19 actors to earn an EGOT award, which includes an Emmy Award, a Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and a Tony Award.
After the congressional hearing on UFOs or UAPs on July 28, 2023, she had this to say on “The View” about the subject of the hearing:
“Well, I knew. I don’t know why everybody else is so surprised. We’re not the only ones in the universe - we’re just not. . . But here’s the thing, there are more things in heaven and Earth than we are aware of and we have to be aware because that is the nature of being an Earthling. It’s going to happen. It has happened and so far we’re all right. . . I haven’t seen any zapping happen. I haven’t seen things happen that you see in the movies. So maybe, they’re not adversaries. Maybe they are just trying to get along.”
When another host on the show asked if Whoopi thought there are aliens among us, she replied, “Yes, I do believe, I do believe.” |
Gene Roddenberry and his Borg Cube creation for “Star Trek”
Roddenberry knew about cube-shaped UFOs before NASA*
In March 2024, I talked with a man in the film industry who worked with Gene Roddenberry on his “Star Trek” series. I truly was surprised he didn’t know the source of some of Roddenberry’s “Star Trek” ideas. If he didn’t know, then most people don’t know, so I decided to repost the following brief article from our archives. – The editor
We’ve been unable to find photographic evidence of cube-shaped UFOs before 2011. So, how did Gene Roddenberry come up with the idea of the aerodynamically-challenged Borg Cube for his “Star Trek” television series back in the 1960s? |
According to internationally known psychic medium Phyllis V. Schlemmer (R), Roddenberry participated in her international parapsychology research group that included scientists, doctors, teachers, ambassadors, athletes and filmmakers from several countries. During their sessions, Schlemmer says she would go into deep trances and receive information from “an enlightened circle of universal beings known as The Nine.” |
According to Schlemmer, those sessions inspired many of Roddenberry’s “Star Trek” ideas. She recalls that during one session, Roddenberry asked “The Nine” where they were from. The answer was “Deep Space.” So, Roddenberry created a sequel to “Star Trek” that he titled “Deep Space Nine.”
* NASA’s SOHO satellites were the first to capture photos of cube-shaped UFOs. Those satellites were launched in 1995 which was 29 years after “Star Trek” debuted on television.
Actual satellite photos of cube-shaped UFOs
are in the posting below. |
First cube-shaped UFOs we ever saw
By Mary Joyce, website editor
The first NASA SOHO satellite image of a cube-shaped UFO we ever saw was on July 23, 2011. We were just checking the live SOHO satellite camera feed and happened to catch it. Miraculously, there were three other rectangular-shaped objects in the same photo.
Those cube UFOs were whoppers. Compare them to the white ring within the circular camera shield. The ring represents the diameter of the Sun which is nearly 865,000 miles. This means these cubes truly were humongous.
Description of Jesus in a
Pontius Pilate letter to Caesar
The following physical description of Jesus is from a letter written by Pontius Pilate (R) to Caesar. The English translation is in Appendix A of the book “The Resurrection Tomb” by E. Raymond Capt, who has archaeological credentials in the United States and Scotland. According to him, a copy of the letter is in the Congressional Library in Washington, D.C. |
A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in the name of the God that had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews. One day I observed in the midst of a group of people a young man who was leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between him and those who were listening to him. His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between him and his bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions! Unwilling to interrupt him by my presence, I continued my walk but signified to my secretary to join the group and listen. Later, my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews - not the poor but the rich and powerful.
Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made his appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time, I stood admiring this extraordinary man. There was nothing in him that was repelling, nor in his character, yet I felt awed in his presence. I told him that there was a magnetic simplicity about him and his personality that elevated him far above the philosophers and teachers of his day. All in all, he made a deep impression upon me and everyone because of his kindness, simplicity, humility and love.
Now, Noble Sovereign, these are the facts concerning Jesus of Nazareth and I have taken the time to write you in detail concerning these matters. I say that such a man who could convert water into wine, change death into life, disease into health; calm the stormy seas, is not guilty of any crime.
Your most obedient servant,
Pontius Pilate |