This site was last updated 11/26/24                        
Sky Ships Over Cashiers - The Greater Cashiers Area may be the new UFO hot spot

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See What's New on this Website:
> ETs’ history book about Earth given to humans
> Soviet Cosmonaut:  “They were lying to all of you. . .”
> FBI threatened old soldier who saw Roswell ET
> Detailed description of ET from 1947 UFO crash
> DNA testing reveals Bigfoot is half human
> What is being covered up in Antarctica?
> Antarctica’s melting ice reveals Earth’s oldest city
> Dinosaur skeleton found in Antarctica
> Antarctica’s ancient forest older than dinosaurs
> Arizona UFO base and ETs revealed by Disclosure Project attorney
> Curiosity Rover cameras caught five UFOs flying low over Mars
> Undersea UFO base revealed by Disclosure Project attorney
> Ancient rock art may depict giant ET
> Black Hawk helicopter seen “docking” with UFO
> ABC-TV anchor discovered President Carter used psychics
> Little People tradition at the sweat lodge
> “Weather warfare is real” stated co-creator of HAARP
> Longest Bigfoot stick structure we’ve seen
> Boxing champ Muhammad Ali saw UFOs many times
> UFO circled John Lennon’s birthday tower
Sky Ships Over Cashiers
P.O. Box 1084
Dillsboro, NC 28725