Operations Archive
How military hid huge aircraft plant - photos
The first photo is of the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft plant during the early days of World War II. The second photo shows faux fields and trees created by the Army Corps of Engineers to cover the aircraft facility.
Photos three and four reveal scenes beneath the camouflage netting. The last photo shows a faux community that could be seen through an opening in the netting but only from the air.
If the military went to such efforts to hide things in the 1940s, imagine what depths of deception it uses today to keep military/government secrets.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We would like to thank Ursala for providing us with these photos.
SWAT guard at PARI educational center
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) is reported by multiple credible sources to be a capstone cover for a secret, city-size, underground facility near the tiny community of Balsam Grove in Western North Carolina.
The following report about PARI was provided by “The Squad” which is a source of information about government/military secret facilities. Members of The Squad have prior U.S. Air Force ties in supervisory positions. Their current area of work is in geospatial analysis.
“On Saturday 22 October 2011 between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. while passing the entrance to PARI, we witnessed a vehicle being let out of the gate by a security guard that appeared to be in a SWAT type uniform similar to the uniform in the image we’re providing, but without the gun and helmet. This is not your average security guard uniform you’d expect at a facility that declares itself to be an astronomy educational center.”
Yellow push pins show PARI facility and location of military truck in Rosman
“Back in June 2011, we were exploring the town of Rosman, NC which is immediately south of PARI and the closest town of any size to the facility. We saw a military truck, very similar to the one in the photo we’re providing, that was parked on the side of Pickens Highway 178 with a person in civilian clothing at the wheel. This is more evidence of military activity in an area without any acknowledged military base.”
Hints of Psychological Operations beneath PARI facility
By Mary Joyce – website editor
There is no acknowledged military base in Western North Carolina, so I took notice On November 16, 2011 when I saw a shiny black Rubicon Jeep with military tags in a parking lot in Sylva, North Carolina.
The back and front plates were 564-UCA Colorado.
More intriguing, there was another tag beneath the front plate that said:
U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological
Operations Command (Airborne)
On the windshield there was a Fort Carson tag dated: JAN 15. The lone driver looked to be in his 50s or 60s with brown hair and glasses. Upon leaving the parking lot, the vehicle headed east on Highway 107 - which goes toward Cullowhee, Glenville Lake and Cashiers. It's also the road one would take from Sylva to go to the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) which is reported to be the capstone cover for a secret underground facility beneath the Balsam Mountain Ridge – perhaps the biggest, yet practically unknown, military facility in Western North Carolina.
PARI actually is the first place I thought the man might be headed because of reports, which we've posted on this website, about caged animals and abducted children at PARI.
Here is a portion of a letter we received on May 13, 2011 that hints at mistreatment of children at the facility hidden beneath PARI: |
I worked for Transylvania County Department of Social Services and Child Protective Services and then later Henderson County Department of Social Services. I can tell you that this story gets worse than just animals in cages at PARI.
I had two different Satanic Ritual Abuse cases, and both were immediately taken from me and swept under the rug. The State Bureau of Investigations even covered up evidence.
I am ex military and not scared of much, but what locals told me during the investigation was that I needed to be very careful, as I was not from the area originally.
When working for Transylvania County I do remember driving through Rosman and passing the entrance to PARI. When I got back to the office and asked the director about it (she ran the county with county manager) she didn't want to say much. I could go on but feel a little scared to do so. . . .
Photos of Americans at secret Bilderberg meeting |
Wikipedia defines the Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club as “an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe, most of whom are people of influence. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labor, education and communications.
”Meetings are closed to the public and often feature future political leaders shortly before they become household names. Because of its exclusivity and privacy, the Bilderberg group is frequently accused by conspiracy theorists of being an all-powerful secret society fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors for nefarious ends.” For that reason, it’s important to know the names, faces and titles of those who are shaping our future behind locked doors. The following Americans attended, but 19 other nations were represented. For a complete list of attendees, go to Google and type in Bilderberg attendees 2011.
For those concerned about freedom of speech on the Internet, it might be thought-provoking that the heads of Amazon, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Microsoft were all in attendance. |
Keith B. Alexander, Director of National Security |
Roger C. Altman, Chairman, Evercore – an investment bank; former Deputy Secretary of Treasury |
Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO, Amazon.com |
Timothy C. Collins, CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC – leveraged buyouts, capital investments |
Martin S. Feldstein, Professor of Economics, Harvard University |
Reid Hoffman, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn – a business/social network |
Chris R. Hughes, Co-founder, Facebook |
Kenneth M. Jacobs, Chairman & CEO, Lazard – an independent investment bank |
James A. Johnson, Vic Chairman, Perseus, LLC; former Fannie Mae CEO |
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., former advisor to Bill Clinton; Sr. Managing Director, Lazard investment bank |
John M. Keane, Retired 4-star general, Chairman of The Institute for the Study of War |
Henry A. Kissinger , former National Security Advisor, Secretary of State |
Klaus Kleinfeld, Chairman & CEO, Alcoa |
Henry R. Kravis, Co-Chairman & Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co. – private equity firm |
Marie-Josee Kravis, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute - Rand Corporation think tank |
Cheng Li, Senior Fellow & Director of Research, China Center, Brookings Institution |
Craig J. Mundie, Chief Research & Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation |
Peter R. Orszag, Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. |
Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research |
David Rockefeller , Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank |
Charlie Rose, TV journalist and talk show host; correspondent for “60 Minutes” |
Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury |
Eric Schmidt, Chairman, Google Inc. |
James B. Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State |
Peter A. Thiel, President of Clarium Capital Management, global hedge fund; co-founder PayPal |
Christine A. Varney, Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust |
James W. Vaupel, Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research |
Kevin Warsh, Former Governor of Federal Reserve Board |
James D. Wolfensohn, 9 th President of the World Bank |
The Bilderberg Group is but one tentacle of a giant octopus of world power. Here is a list of the other entities striving for a New World Order. Typically only those at the top of these organizations are fully aware and involved. This list was composed by William Cooper who was a member of the U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing Team. When he decided the public needed to know what was being hidden from them and wrote his book “Behold a Pale Horse,” he was assassinated.
Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Cruis
Brotherhood of the Dragon
Communist Party
Council on Foreign Relations
The Group
The Illuminati
The JASON Society
The Jesuits
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Malta
Knights Templar
The Masons |
Nazi Party
The Open Friendly Secret Society (the Vatican)
The Order
The Order of the Quest
Royal Institute of International Affairs
The Russell Trust
Skull & Bones
Scroll & Key
Trilateral Commission |
Moles and sleuths report Bilderberg agendas
Hotel Suvretta House in St. Moritz, Switzerland where Bilderberg members met in June 2011 |
Only the powerful Global Elite are allowed to attend Bilderberg meetings so citizens of the world must rely upon moles and sleuths to learn about Bilderberg activities and agendas. Here are some of the primary goals leaked from the June 2011 conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland:
CREATE WARS AND REDUCE POPULATION - The Global Elite are pushing to expand wars for two reasons. First, wars generate money for their pockets and help them gain control of important natural resources such as oil and gas. Second, they believe the ever-expanding population needs to be reduced because natural resources are too rapidly depleting. In addition to wars, the Global Elite are working behind the scenes to reduce the world population by tampering with vaccines, medicines, food, water and weather.
CLAMP DOWN ON INTERNET FREEDOM - The Global Elite are worried about an open and free Internet so they are instigating the introduction of bills in the U.S. Congress that would diminish or eliminate the impact of alternative news and information, especially sources that hamper their agendas. Yet, they want to be able to use the Internet as a money-making instrument for their corporations. To meet both goals, they are doing everything they can to convince the public that the Internet is a tool of terrorists and must be tightly regulated.
DESTROY NATIONS - The Global Elite are working behind the scenes to break the back of nations, including the United States, by destroying national economies and creating crises or social disruptions. These efforts include dumbing down the public and weakening families, schools and community support centers or networks. When nations are finally belly up and gasping for breath, the Global Elite are prepared to move in with their New World Order. |
Ship hovered low in vicinity of secret facility |
We normally wouldn’t post a decade’s old sky ship sighting report, but this is another one that occurred above a lake in the vicinity of a secret facility that sprawls deep beneath portions of Jackson County North Carolina and Ocoee County South Carolina. Some witnesses have even seen ships fly in or out of area lakes. The report also includes a great deal of detail about the sky ship. CLICK HERE to read the complete report. |
Aerosol vaccinations to alter human behavior |
This leaked Department of Defense briefing at the Pentagon from April 13, 2005 reveals a method that could or is being used for mind control. In this case, the target is the portion of the brain that is most active in religious fundamentalists. By using a virus in aerosol vaccinations, it is proposed that religious zealots in Afghanistan could be subdued. Of course, this approach could or is being used on other parts of the brain and upon other groups of people. |
“Worse than just animals in cages at PARI” |
EDITOR’S NOTE: We received this anonymous letter on May 13, 2011 about two secret facilities in North Carolina - one beneath the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) north of Rosman and one at Linville Gorge. We attempted to interview the person but without success. Typically those who have inside information about secret or Black Operations are extremely cautious about revealing themselves and what they know. So, here’s the original letter. We’ve added the boldface type and eliminated the last paragraph which was simply a request for information from this website.
According to a social services source, here are the meanings of the abbreviations in the letter. The last one is especially chilling.
CPS = Child Protective Services
DSS = Department of Social Services
SBI = State Bureau of Investigations
SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
I worked for Transylvania County DSS/ CPS and then later Henderson County DSS. I can tell you that this story gets worse than just animals in cages at PARI.
I had two different SRA cases, and both were immediately taken from me and swept under the rug. The SBI even covered up evidence.
I am ex military and not scared of much, but what locals told me during the investigation was that I needed to be very careful, as I was not from the area originally.
When working for Transylvania County I do remember driving through Rosman and passing the entrance to PARI. When I got back to the office and asked the director about it (she ran the county with county manager) she didn't want to say much. I could go on but feel a little scared to do so.
I am an avid hiker in the area and have yet to come across any tunnels. I would have to say that while up at Shortoff Mountain, Linville Gorge, I have felt like electricity was in the air. Like a hum that was not heard with the ears but in the head. My girl friend felt it too.
We took pictures of a huge opening on the cliff face across from us at the time and talked with people about repelling into it. When we returned to Shortoff, the entrance could not be seen anymore. We have two photos of it; it was big enough to drive a tractor trailer truck into. It was rectangle in shape. . . . |
insider dropped big hints
By Mary Joyce |
March 6, 2011 - Notable people
are known to quietly retire and fade
into obscurity in the mountains of North
Carolina. I met one of those who, over
time, revealed he had been involved
in the creation of HAARP technology.
HERE to read entire article. |
UFO base in Brazil |
Copies of this video about a
German UFO base in Brazil can
be found in multiple places on the Internet.
Because such a UFO base is a fascinating
possibility but one surrounded by controversy,
we thought it would be helpful to provide
a photo and brief bio of the man responsible
for the video.
Randolph Winters became interested
in UFOs in 1979 and soon after spent
several months in Switzerland interviewing
internationally known UFO contactee
Eduard “Billy”
Meier. Eventually, he wrote
a book about Billy Meier’s experiences
titled “The Pleiadian
Over the years, Winters has appeared
in network and cable television specials
about UFOs; has been on numerous radio
talk shows including “Coast
to Coast AM” with
Art Bell; founded the first UFO
Expo in Los Angeles and lectured
at other major conferences such as
the International UFO Congress.
Randolph Winters
quakes near secret facilities |
Within days of each other, we received
emails from two intrepid researchers
who reported earthquakes near secret
underground facilities. Both felt the
quakes most likely were the result of
underground activities - not natural
One report came from Miles Johnston,
a well-known British researcher of
secret underground facilities. He
said a quake in North Yorkshire,
England on January 3, 2011
was more likely an explosion from
a large secret underground base at
Menwith Hill.
With cursory research, a Menwith
photo was found with the following
caption: “The Menwith
Hill spy base near Harrogate
in North Yorkshire, England, is the
largest electronic monitoring station
in the world. Run by the National
Security Agency (NSA) of
the United States, it is one of a
global network of Signals Intelligence
(SIGINT) bases, which monitors the
world's communications and relays
information to NSA HQ at Fort Meade
in Maryland, USA."
The second report came
from Annie DeRiso who reported that
a magnitude 3.8 earthquake in Indiana
on December 30, 2010 could very easily
have originated from a secret
underground base near Kokomo, Indiana.
A bit of research revealed that people
for years have reported a constant “hum”
that has made some people sick and forced
others to move away from the area.
A growing number of researchers believe
naturally occurring caverns in the
Kokomo area are being expanded by
underground tunneling and excavating.
Of course, such caverns would be inaccessible
to the public, but here is a photo
of Marengo Cave, one of at least six
well-known Indiana caves that are
open to the public.
Encounters at PARI: UFOs and Subterranean
Secrets |
While PARI (Pisgah Astronomical
Research Institute) and its Star Parties
promote the educational aspects of astronomy,
some people believe there is something
more ominous going on below the
surface. CLICK
HERE to read the entire Bold
Life Magazine article by Jonathan
sounds near secret underground facilities |
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following information
is from Larry Rednour, a former Manatee County,
Florida deputy sheriff who moved to Hendersonville,
NC in 2005 after his battle with cancer made
it impossible to continue working. On November
28, 2010, he shared this and other information
with us. We feel his professional training
makes him a very credible witness. |
“It gives me cold
chills just to think about it,” says
Larry Rednour, a former sheriff’s deputy,
as he begins telling about strange sounds
he’s heard coming from deep within the
ground near two purported secret underground
“The first time I heard the sounds
was when I was staying with my daughter
in Atlanta in August 2001,” he says.
“They had a new lakefront home about
10 miles southeast of Kennesaw Park on Atlanta’s
north side.
“When we went down to the basement,
we could hear this faint moaning,”
he explains. “One time we were kind
of joking around about it and I put my ear
up to one of the structural posts. Well,
I could hear all kinds of garbage coming
from deep below the house. I could hear
people talking. I couldn’t make out
what they were saying, but I could hear
the mumble jumble. I also could hear something
that sounded like equipment or machinery
running. I heard it the three or four nights
I was there. Anytime we went down there,
we could hear something going on.”
About eight years later, Rednour discovered
the Sky Ships over Cashiers website and
read about a purported secret underground
facility beneath Atlanta. CLICK
HERE to read about that facility.
“I have to agree that there’s
something deep under the ground there,”
he says, “because I was there and
I’ve heard the sounds.”
Similar sounds on
the Blue Ridge Parkway
Then in the summer of 2010, Rednour discovered
similar sounds coming from the ground on
the Blue Ridge Parkway during one of his
midnight drives in the North Carolina Mountains.
“I had stopped at the parking area
for Devil’s Courthouse rock formation,”
he says. “It’s at the big elbow
bend on the Balsam Ridge.”
Devil’s Courthouse also is the closest
point on the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Pisgah
Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) which
is regarded as the capstone cover for another
secret underground facility.
“On the north side of the roadway
from where you park your car,” Rednour
continues, “there’s a big huge
rock. The whole hill is a rock. Well, I
put my ear up to that rock and by golly
I could faintly hear something going on
down below. I could hear mechanical grinding
sounds that were similar to what I heard
years before in Atlanta.
“After hearing these sounds in two
locations and doing lots of research with
my computer, I believe that the government,
or some agency, or whatever is cutting tunnels
to connect cities.”
Deep underground sounds were heard
near Devil’s Courthouse rock
formation at the big bend of the Balsam
Ridge section of the Blue Ridge Parkway
in North Carolina. A purported secret
underground facility is located just
west of the big bend. |
hidden at Flat Top Mountain?
large whited out area on Google Maps got
our attention, especially since we found
it just north of a secret underground
entrance revealed on this website
in July 2010. Click
here to read about that site.
With curiosity leading the way, we drove
to Asheville, NC in late November 2010,
turned south on Alternate 74, left on Old
Fort Road and then north on Flat
Top Mountain Road. The last seven
miles wound through sparsely populated land
near the Fairview community, but the last
three miles were steep, knotted in hairpin
curves and subtly adorned with surveillance
we ran out of road, we were confronted
by a gate, a no trespassing sign,
another surveillance camera in the trees
and two large barking dogs. We could go
no further. After snapping a few photos,
we headed back down the mountain where we
got into a conversation with a woman who
has lived at the base of the mountain all
her life. She said it had been about 15
years since she’d been to the lake
at the top of the mountain and was surprised
to learn public access no longer was allowed.
Later, a former law enforcement
officer called the telephone number
on the no trespassing sign. He tried four
times. Each time the phone rang nine times
before a recorded message in a female voice
came on requesting that a message be left.
As of this writing, there have been no replies
to the phone number that was provided. The
former officer speculated that there might
be a filtering device or even a tracking
device on that phone line.
Two from the website
is a hexagon mound in the Pisgah National
hexagon and octagon structures in isolated
areas are highly suspect. At the very least,
they cover abandoned missile silos, but we
learned from an earlier investigation east
of Hendersonville, NC that old missile silos
may now serve as entrances to secret underground
facilities. Click
here to read about unusual activities
at the “abandoned” Hendersonville
missile site.
So when Google Maps revealed a hexagon
mound in a remote area of the Pisgah
National Forest south of Burnsville,
NC and northwest of Mt. Mitchell, we decided
to check it out. After pinpointing it on
a map, we drove to Burnsville, went south
on highway 197 and then turned on E. Wart
Wilson Road which is the only road that
comes close to the hexagon.
that road officially ended and faded into
a forest trail, we wanted to continue. We
wanted to see the hexagon mound and discover
if there was anything beneath the circle
of trees at its summit, but we were stopped
by official no trespassing signs
nailed to the trees. The signs stopped us
in our tracks but made us wonder even more
why a lone hexagon mound in a national forest
is off limits.
Two from the website |
mountain may hide radar antenna
After doing a bit of research, we decided
to post the following e-mail letter we received
on August 30, 2010. The writer identified
himself, but for his privacy we’re not
printing his name. The photo on the left shows
a phased array radar antenna that the writer
talks about. The right photo shows an artificial
mountain that may be hiding such a radar antenna.
Scroll further down in this section to read
the article about the “mountain.”
While I was reading the Undercover
Operations section of Sky Ships over Cashiers
website, I saw the photo under the heading
“One way to hide a secret
I believe that what's under the covering
- at the right side and appearing to be
a slanted flat structure - is what's called
a phased-array radar antenna.
If you Google “phased array radar”
and look at picture results, you can see
the resemblance. These antennas are generally
squarish and the big ones reach long distances.
These kinds of radars are usually used for
military defense purposes.
I used to work at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California,
in the Radar Instrument Development
Puffin Island be home to underwater alien
This article appeared in the July
21, 2010 edition of the Bangor and Anglesey
Mail, a Welsh newspaper. It was written
by Rhodri Barker. We want to thank Annie DeRiso
for bringing this to our attention.
THE truth is out there – and a group
of UFOlogists are hoping local people will
help them find it.
The UFO Investigations and Research
Unit, based in Shrewsbury, have turned
their attentions to Anglesey in their quest
to gather information on extraterrestrial
Phil Hoyle, who runs the unit, said: “We
are currently investigating numerous sightings
that have taken place around Anglesey and,
in particular, near Puffin Island.
Island |
“Many witnesses, some ex-military and
professional people, have witnessed unconventional
lights entering or leaving the sea
around Puffin Island.”
In January 1974, a number of people claimed
to have seen large, structured objects leaving
the sea near the island, and similar sightings
have been sporadically reported up to the
present day, said Mr. Hoyle. “The
people who have contacted us have all been
unrelated, but have all told us the same thing,”
he said. “We would be very
interested to hear from anyone who might have
additional information regarding these as
yet unexplained sightings. “Someone
might have seen something last week or seen
something 50 years ago, but if other people
have seen the same thing it will hopefully
make them realise that they’re not crazy.”
Victims of abduction near Shrewsbury were
told by the humanoid beings
who contacted them that they came from a base
under the sea near Puffin Island, said Mr.
The area has been suggested as the location
of Cantre’r Gwaelod, the legendary
ancient sunken kingdom.
Anglesey’s ancient past means the island
could be a UFO hotspot, said Mr. Hoyle.
“There is definitely a link; we’ve
found an 80% increase in UFO activity over
ancient sites compared to anywhere
else, including Anglesey.”
Mr. Hoyle said he had visited Anglesey and
taken a boat around Puffin Island after hearing
of the sightings, but that the investigation
was still at an early stage.
In January, the Mail reported a number
of sightings of strange objects in the skies
over Anglesey, and an incident in 1977 –
when pupils at Ysgol Rhosybol saw a strange
object hovering overhead – made national
Anyone with information should call the Mail
on 01286 685438 or Phil Hoyle on 01743
secret underground entrance exposed
Sky ships
and military helicopters have been observed
over a second secret entrance to the underground
world of government/military Black Operations
in Western North Carolina. This one is located
beneath a Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) facility on a mountaintop in the Hendersonville
area. We’ve dubbed the site “FAAT”
because it’s so much more than an
FAA facility. . . read
more in the "Articles" section
of this website |
of caged animals at PARI
We received this testimony on
June 4, 2010 from Gil Webb who once lived
in the mountains not far from the Pisgah
Astronomical Research Institute (PARI).
His testimony seems to support Eljay’s
testimony that there is some kind of laboratory
at the underground facility. Her testimony,
titled “Contactee
breaks lifelong silence,” can
be found in Sky Ship Articles.
As a young man in the early 1980s, I worked
for a month or so at Russell Butell’s
Christmas tree farm which is near the Pisgah
Astronomical Research Institute (PARI).
At that time, PARI was known as the Rosman
Tracking Station. While at the tree farm,
one of the workers told me local residents
had seen deep pits being
dug at the tracking station as well as animals
in cages. I took what he said with
a grain of salt back then. This kind of
activity appears to have started in the
late 1970s or early 1980s.
secret underground facility -
Puzzling over the pieces
By Mary Joyce
seen the man in about six years, but he
used to periodically come to where I work.
Over time, he opened up about his military
experiences in Vietnam and later talked
about doing deep underground tunneling work
in various places.
In bits and pieces he told me a secret underground
facility had been created beneath Atlanta
with huge tunnel boring machines. . . read
full story in "Articles" section
of this website |
now covered by "shadow"
on satellite map |
When we first learned Pisgah Astronomical
Research Institute (PARI) was a cover-up
capstone for a secret underground facility,
we searched for it on Google satellite
maps. We found clear images. Then on
Saturday, May 29, 2010, we pulled up
the PARI map again. What a difference.
Much of the facility now is covered
by a dark "shadow" which hides
most of the details we originally were
able to see. (click on photos to
enlarge) |
way to hide a secret facility
NOTE: This photo
once was posted on the “Coast to Coast
AM” radio program Internet page. We
decided to post it to show the kind of steps
that can be taken to hide secret facilities.
The fake mountain also is adjacent to an
old mine which would have made it easier
to create an underground facility.
“Flying back from Mexico a couple of
years ago I was recording video out the window,”
says Cam E. who took the video. “What
I taped was a fake-looking mountain
covered in what looks like mesh. I have asked
a few people that should know what it is .
. . . One person I talked to was a friend
of a friend who had worked at NORAD. He looked
at me after I told him, kind of chuckled nervously
and said, ‘I wish I could tell you,’
as if he knew what it was but could not tell
me. “My guess is that it is
several miles long. . . . If you look closely,
you can see that it has ribs under the mesh
. . . . “Google Earth provides
a street view of the highway going in from
the south to within a few miles. I also looked
up the exact spot using the same program and
they show only images of before the mountain.
The timeline of satellite photos shows inconsistencies
of trying to hide something. “The
mountain borders an old mining site. The coordinates
are 32' 42' 04.72" N, 110' 40' 36.39"
W. It's just to the west of Mammoth, north-northeast
of Tucson.” |
secret underground facility in WNC |
We received a testimony on May 5, 2010 about
downed alien crafts in North Carolina’s
mountains. At the very end of the testimony,
a second secret underground facility was mentioned.
You can read the entire testimony in the Deep
Throat Testimonies section.
Underground Military Base (DUMB)
The video views within this underground
facility appear quite authentic. However,
conclusions expressed in the video
should only serve as inspiration for
further research.
(click the thumbnail to the right
to watch the video on YouTube)
capstone for secret facility |
are increasing reports that the Pisgah
Astronomical Research Institute (PARI)
is a camouflage capstone for a secret
underground city-size facility beneath
the Balsam Mountain Ridge in Jackson
County, NC. It originally was known
as NASA’s Rosman Research Station
which was designed to track satellites
during the Cold War. It also was involved
with the U.S. space program from its
earliest days. NASA transferred the
facility in 1981 to the Department
of Defense which at one time employed
as many as 350 people. Today, supposedly,
it is just a simple astronomy research
The star on the map shows the location
of PARI.
on any of the photos
to see a larger image) |
official entrance sign looks boringly
benign, but the wire fence and
two other signs project a different
image. It’s also ironic
that PARI is located near
Devil’s Courthouse,
a well known rock formation at
the big bend of the Blue Ridge
Parkway. The view from there reveals
how undeveloped the land around
PARI really is. |
from Devil’s Courthouse
PARI is located in sparsely
populated area nearby. |
Courthouse on the
Blue Ridge Parkway |
boring machine
There are many types of tunnel boring
machines but this one is especially
interesting because it has the U.S.
AIR FORCE emblem on it. It’s
a bit ironic that those who fly the
skies are involved in carving out
underground tunnels and facilities.
We’d like to thank William Roehling
for sending this photo to the website.
(click on the photo to see a larger
image) |
video |
What might a city-size underground facility
look like? This video from a television
news broadcast by TV-4 KOMO in Seattle,
Washington gives us a glimpse of one
such facility. It's located beneath
Iron Mountain in Pennsylvania.
We'd like to thank CJ from Minneapolis,
who identifies herself as "a
mom seeking the truth," for sending
the video to this website. |
J. Allen Hynek and the Carolina lab
The following comes from Ann
Eller who was a personal assistant to Dr.
J. Allen Hynek, the grandfather of UFO/alien
research in the United States. You can read
about her experiences and the information
she gathered while working for Dr. Hynek
in her new book Dragon in the Sky –
Prophecy from the Stars which was published
in December 2009 by AuthorHouse. |
Ann Eller standing to left of
Dr. J. Allen Hynek |
Dr. J. Allen Hynek at a news conference |
“There’s one detail I didn’t
think was important enough to include in my
book,” says Ann Eller, “until
I was at the International UFO Congress in
February 2010 and learned about the secret
underground facility beneath Balsam Mountain
Ridge in Western North Carolina.
“Years after Dr. Hynek passed away,”
she explains, “I met a well-known psychic
medium, Marisa Ryan, and decided to have a
session with her. I was hoping to contact
Dr. Hynek on the other side of the veil. A
summary of that can be found on page 79 of
my book. Here is the dialog between the medium
and me that was not included and may be important:
MEDIUM: “Dr. Hynek
believes he knows where things are kept, where
top secret things are kept about ET contact.”
ELLER: “Well,
we know that the government has been in contact
and cahoots with the aliens for many, many
years. Is there something over and above that?”
MEDIUM: “I think
one of the Carolinas. There’s something
in one of the States of Carolina. He says
there’s a hospital or a science place,
already known. . . He’s very frustrated.
. .” “I also got the
impression that it was an underground lab”
Eller adds. “He didn’t say that,
it was just an impression I had, but at that
point the phone rang and rang and disrupted
the conversation. “I asked
Allen if he ‘walked both sides of the
street,’ if he had been a double agent
(meaning both for the government and for the
common man) as I had suspected. He confessed
through the medium that indeed he had, corroborating
my suspicions. “He had never
left his position with the government and
the military,” says Eller, “that
side of him went underground with Project
Blue Book. “He is well and
enjoying the freedom on the other side but
does wish he was still with us for there was
more he wanted to expose. He said he would
be a louder voice.”
Joyce talks about secret facility
beneath Balsam Mountain
In newspaper terminology, it's hot
off the press (3/11/10) and it's the
first interview in which I talk about
the secret underground facility beneath
Balsam Mountain. It was recorded by
Miles Johnston from the United Kingdom
when Evelyn Gordon and I were at the
International UFO Congress in Nevada
at the end of February 2010. |
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